A game of bees and ewes and the rest of the alphabet
Set the eL, aheM, NO! and Peeking cards (each has a *) face up in a row in front of all players. Deal an equal number of remaining cards out to each player (12 cards/4p, 16 cards/3p) for their initial hand. The player who sings the best rendition of the alphabet song is the first Start Player.
There are two phases to each game round - Play and Pass.
1. Play: All players simultaneously lay face down in front of them one card from their hand. Cards in front of a player are not turned face up unless cards played during the game state otherwise. Players may look at their own face down cards at any time. Once all players have placed a card, each player beginning with the Start Player, may, in turn, use the ‘reveal’ action of one card. When players each have 2 cards left in their hand they will play one card and discard the other and the game will end.
2. Pass: All players then pass the rest of their hand clockwise or counterclockwise depending on the Start Player’s choice. The player to the Start Player’s left is the next round’s Start Player.
Some cards allow you to keep a card(s) or your whole hand. Those cards always supercede the Pass rules. Players may never take an eL, aheM, NO! or Peeking card from another player.
Once all cards have been played, all players turn over all remaining face down cards, add up victory points and adjust scores with bonus modifiers. The player with highest score is the winner. In the case of a tie the player with the most bees is the winner.