About the Print 'n Play Crafting Aggregator
The Print 'n Play Crafting Aggregator combines all the entries of the monthly "Print 'n Play Games Crafted" Geeklists from BGG into a single, searchable source for information about solitaire games, games with solo variants, cooperative games, and/or games that may be simply enjoyable by a single player regardless of the number of "characters" or "sides" to be played.
Using the XML API interface of
BoardGameGeek, the data is refreshed regularly to keep the site up to date.
When you're looking for information about the solitaire suitability of a game, the PNPCRAFT is a great place to start, but getting to that data for previous months can be a bit of a hassle. In many cases, the lists are sorted at the end of the month alphabetically, which eases the process. However some prefer the organic view of how the list evolved over the month. Since BGG does not presently allow the user to decide how they will see the contents of a given list, this tool will aid in that process. I hope.
With the Print 'n Play Crafting Aggregator, you'll be able to search for a game by title and see all the PNPCRAFT entries created for it. These will be provided as links back to the actual entry on BGG, to view with proper images and formatting. However, statistics and more will be made available here.
I hope you enjoy this tool and find it useful.
Kevin L. Kitchens
PEI Development