In Foothold Enterprises, you are a young entrepreneur trying to get your startup company going. You have a limited amount of time to see a return on your investments. Buy advertising, win over clients, and put your company on the map!
This solitaire game uses a single deck of custom cards and can be played while standing in line. It is mechanically inspired by such brilliant push-your-luck games as Zed Deck and Lord of the Rings: The Adventure Deck Game. Each turn, you flip the top card of the deck and select one of the three aspects of the card on which to bid: advertising, money, or clients. You then bid as little or as much money as you like.
The card then tells you how many cards to reveal from the top of the deck for the game's counter bid. You add up the money scores from those revealed cards. If you bid higher, you win the flipped card! All revealed cards are placed face-up on the bottom of the deck. The flipped card is also place face-up, but may be turned sideways to expose the advertising ability if you won the card, or turned upside-down to indicate that you won the clients.
Advertisements give you abilities that allow you to win certain kinds of bids more easily or otherwise manipulate the game rules. Clients count as Victory Points at the end of the game. You only gain $2 at the beginning of each turn, so keep an eye on your cash flow, or you'll lose out on important clients or key advertising abilities!
When you have gone through the entire deck (all cards are face-up), simply count up the client values of all the upside-down cards. This is your score for the game. Then try to beat that score next game!
Designed for the 2012 Solitaire Print and Play Contest.