PNPCRAFT Games By Category: Exploration
The following 173 games have appeared on the PNPCRAFT and are listed under the Category 'Exploration'.
1572: The Lost Expedition (2016) (3 uniques)
1672: The Lost Crew (2016) (2 uniques)
2014 Print and Play Secret Santa Wishlist (2015) (1 uniques)
3 Dice (2011) (1 uniques)
4XL (0) (1 uniques)
The 7th Continent (2017) (6 uniques)
Adamastor (2017) (8 uniques)
Aether Captains: Clockwork Cabal (2011) (9 uniques)
Aether Captains: Pirates and Traders (2011) (7 uniques)
After School Ghost Club (2020) (1 uniques)
Airborne In Your Pocket: Free Trial Version (2009) (7 uniques)
The Amityville Project: Phobos (0) (1 uniques)
Amontillado (2014) (1 uniques)
Arcanum (2005) (1 uniques)
Archaeology: The Card Game (2007) (2 uniques)
Artifacts, Inc. (2014) (1 uniques)
Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004) (2 uniques)
Burgle Bros. (2015) (7 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Captain Treasure Boots (2005) (5 uniques)
Cave Pilot 55 (2015) (1 uniques)
Chain Mail (2019) (1 uniques)
Chaosmos (2015) (4 uniques)
Citadel of Blood (1980) (6 uniques)
Colossal Cave Adventure: The Card Game (2013) (1 uniques)
Conquest of the Skies (2012) (7 uniques)
Conquistador (2005) (1 uniques)
Crashland (2015) (15 uniques)
CRMA: The Battle for Colony ZXC123 (2013) (1 uniques)
The Dark (2019) (1 uniques)
Dead & Alive (2007) (2 uniques)
Dead Man's Island (2007) (1 uniques)
Dead Men Tell No Tales (2015) (2 uniques)
Dead of Night (2007) (5 uniques)
Deathsville Assassin The Board Game (2008) (1 uniques)
Deep Sea Adventure (2014) (4 uniques)
Deserted Animals (2012) (2 uniques)
Desolate (2018) (6 uniques)
DeZpair: 24 horas de deZespero (2013) (2 uniques)
Diamant (2005) (1 uniques)
Dicey Peaks (2017) (2 uniques)
Dragonscroll (2014) (1 uniques)
Drill It: The Print & Play Game (2014) (4 uniques)
Dungeon Hack: The Dice Game (2016) (3 uniques)
Dungeon in a Tin (2011) (12 uniques)
The Dungeon of D (2008) (8 uniques)
Dungeon Plungin' (2007) (7 uniques)
Dungeon Run (2011) (6 uniques)
Dungeon! (1975) (2 uniques)
Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003) (1 uniques)
Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game (2010) (2 uniques)
Eight-Minute Empire: Legends (2013) (4 uniques)
Endeavor: Age of Sail (2018) (1 uniques)
Epic Solitaire Notebook Adventures (2009) (7 uniques)
Escape from the Haunted Mansion (2008) (2 uniques)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple (2012) (1 uniques)
Ethereum (2010) (1 uniques)
Expedition: Northwest Passage (2010) (1 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Exploriana (2019) (3 uniques)
Fairy Tale in my Pocket (2009) (12 uniques)
Fire of Eidolon (2017) (1 uniques)
The First War (2014) (1 uniques)
Foragers (2016) (1 uniques)
Four Against Darkness (2016) (3 uniques)
Frischfleisch (1999) (1 uniques)
Gameshop Adventurers (2014) (4 uniques)
Ghoulash (2001) (2 uniques)
Goldräuber (2018) (1 uniques)
GunCrawl: A game of Close Quarters Havoc (2008) (1 uniques)
HeroQuest (1989) (1 uniques)
HOPE (2018) (1 uniques)
Hot Air: Solitaire (2008) (1 uniques)
Hyperborea (2014) (1 uniques)
Ibyron: Island of Discovery (2016) (7 uniques)
InterSpace (2004) (3 uniques)
into the woods (2015) (2 uniques)
Island Of D 2: The Shadow of Dawn (2005) (4 uniques)
Journey in the Underworld (2013) (2 uniques)
K2 (2010) (1 uniques) Thumbs Up!
Kamen Rider: Operation Shocker (2017) (1 uniques)
Labyrinth Life: The Maze of Being You (2013) (1 uniques)
Lagoon: Land of Druids (2014) (2 uniques)
The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Realm (2018) (8 uniques)
Liberation (2018) (1 uniques)
Lost Artifact (2018) (1 uniques)
Lost Cities (1999) (6 uniques)
The Lost Expedition (2017) (1 uniques)
Lost Patrol (2000) (2 uniques)
Lost Woods (2015) (2 uniques)
Madeira (2013) (1 uniques)
Mage Knight Board Game (2011) (2 uniques)
Magic Maze (2017) (1 uniques)
Magic Realm (1979) (19 uniques)
Magic Realm Light 30 (2015) (1 uniques)
Marooned! A solo game of survival (2015) (2 uniques)
Maze of the Red Mage: A Solitaire Dungeon Adventure! (2007) (1 uniques)
Merchant of Venus (1988) (22 uniques)
Metal Quest (2015) (1 uniques)
Mice and Mystics (2012) (3 uniques)
Micro Chapbook RPG: The Card Game (2020) (1 uniques)
Middle-Earth (1995) (2 uniques)
Milky Way Express (2011) (8 uniques)
MiniSkull Caverns (0) (1 uniques)
Mission Patrol (2010) (1 uniques)
The Mushroom Eaters (2013) (1 uniques)
My Little Scythe (2017) (5 uniques)
Nexus Ops (2005) (14 uniques)
A Night in Deepwail Manor (2013) (5 uniques)
Nova's Ark (2011) (3 uniques)
Octopath (2010) (3 uniques)
Off World Colonies (2011) (1 uniques)
Oikodomos (2012) (1 uniques)
One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows (2017) (2 uniques)
Onirim (second edition) (2014) (2 uniques)
Pandemonium (2003) (2 uniques)
Parsec X (2013) (12 uniques)
Parsely #1: Action Castle (0) (1 uniques)
Pirates & Plunder (2004) (4 uniques)
Plantation (2011) (2 uniques)
Race to Adventure: The Spirit of the Century Exploration Game (2013) (1 uniques)
Raiders in my Pocket (2014) (2 uniques)
Raiders of the Lost Tomb (2014) (3 uniques)
The Ratcatcher, Solo Adventure (2020) (1 uniques)
Ride the Rail (2013) (6 uniques)
Rise of the Northmen (2018) (1 uniques)
Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012) (1 uniques)
Rogue's Quest (2011) (1 uniques)
Room 25 (2013) (2 uniques)
Sail to India (2013) (4 uniques)
Sanitarium (2012) (1 uniques)
Satchel: A Journey Unknown (2020) (2 uniques)
ScatterLand (2011) (1 uniques)
Schleichfahrt: Sneaking Behind Enemy Lines (2010) (5 uniques)
Search for the Emperor's Treasure (1981) (2 uniques)
Serfs & Soldiers (2014) (1 uniques)
Serica: Plains of Dust (2011) (11 uniques)
Shafted (2010) (1 uniques)
Sleeping Gods (2021) (1 uniques)
Sneaking Mission: Solo (2009) (5 uniques)
Snitch! (0) (3 uniques)
Solo Dungeon Bash (2007) (1 uniques)
The Sorcerer's Cave (1978) (1 uniques)
Spell Saga (2019) (5 uniques)
Spice Winds (2014) (2 uniques)
Star Beacon (2010) (1 uniques)
Star Smuggler (1982) (9 uniques)
Star Viking (1981) (2 uniques)
Storm the Castle (2008) (1 uniques)
Stranded No More (2014) (3 uniques)
Stratocracy (2009) (2 uniques)
Stuff and Nonsense (2015) (2 uniques)
Sub Terra (2017) (7 uniques)
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King (2015) (1 uniques)
Tabernacle (2003) (1 uniques)
Tahiti (2012) (5 uniques)
Tales of Danger #1: Days of Discovery (2018) (1 uniques)
Talisman (1983) (3 uniques)
Techlandia (2020) (1 uniques)
Terminator Salvation (2010) (1 uniques)
Terra Incognita (2015) (1 uniques)
This House Is Haunted (2014) (1 uniques)
Trick or Treat Halloween PnP Boardgame (2014) (1 uniques)
Unlock! (2017) (1 uniques)
Unlock! Fifth Avenue (2017) (1 uniques)
Utopia Engine (2010) (17 uniques)
Utopia Engine: Beast Hunter (2013) (4 uniques)
Vampyre (1981) (1 uniques)
Vast: The Crystal Caverns (2016) (6 uniques)
Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora (1981) (1 uniques)
Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (2015) (2 uniques)
Xia: Legends of a Drift System (2014) (1 uniques)
Zombie in my Pocket (2007) (36 uniques)
Zombie Office (2010) (3 uniques)
Zombie Slayer (2015) (1 uniques)
By Unique Entry Count
36 - Zombie in my Pocket (2007)
22 - Merchant of Venus (1988)
19 - Magic Realm (1979)
17 - Utopia Engine (2010)
15 - Crashland (2015)
14 - Nexus Ops (2005)
12 - Dungeon in a Tin (2011)
12 - Fairy Tale in my Pocket (2009)
12 - Parsec X (2013)
11 - Serica: Plains of Dust (2011)
9 - Aether Captains: Clockwork Cabal (2011)
9 - Star Smuggler (1982)
8 - Adamastor (2017)
8 - The Dungeon of D (2008)
8 - The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Realm (2018)
8 - Milky Way Express (2011)
7 - Aether Captains: Pirates and Traders (2011)
7 - Airborne In Your Pocket: Free Trial Version (2009)
7 - Burgle Bros. (2015) Thumbs Up!
7 - Conquest of the Skies (2012)
7 - Dungeon Plungin' (2007)
7 - Epic Solitaire Notebook Adventures (2009)
7 - Ibyron: Island of Discovery (2016)
7 - Sub Terra (2017)
6 - The 7th Continent (2017)
6 - Citadel of Blood (1980)
6 - Desolate (2018)
6 - Dungeon Run (2011)
6 - Lost Cities (1999)
6 - Ride the Rail (2013)
6 - Vast: The Crystal Caverns (2016)
5 - Captain Treasure Boots (2005)
5 - Dead of Night (2007)
5 - My Little Scythe (2017)
5 - A Night in Deepwail Manor (2013)
5 - Schleichfahrt: Sneaking Behind Enemy Lines (2010)
5 - Sneaking Mission: Solo (2009)
5 - Spell Saga (2019)
5 - Tahiti (2012)
4 - Chaosmos (2015)
4 - Deep Sea Adventure (2014)
4 - Drill It: The Print & Play Game (2014)
4 - Eight-Minute Empire: Legends (2013)
4 - Gameshop Adventurers (2014)
4 - Island Of D 2: The Shadow of Dawn (2005)
4 - Pirates & Plunder (2004)
4 - Sail to India (2013)
4 - Utopia Engine: Beast Hunter (2013)
3 - 1572: The Lost Expedition (2016)
3 - Dungeon Hack: The Dice Game (2016)
3 - Exploriana (2019)
3 - Four Against Darkness (2016)
3 - InterSpace (2004)
3 - Mice and Mystics (2012)
3 - Nova's Ark (2011)
3 - Octopath (2010)
3 - Raiders of the Lost Tomb (2014)
3 - Snitch! (0)
3 - Stranded No More (2014)
3 - Talisman (1983)
3 - Zombie Office (2010)
2 - 1672: The Lost Crew (2016)
2 - Archaeology: The Card Game (2007)
2 - Betrayal at House on the Hill (2004)
2 - Dead & Alive (2007)
2 - Dead Men Tell No Tales (2015)
2 - Deserted Animals (2012)
2 - DeZpair: 24 horas de deZespero (2013)
2 - Dicey Peaks (2017)
2 - Dungeon! (1975)
2 - Dungeons & Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game (2010)
2 - Escape from the Haunted Mansion (2008)
2 - Ghoulash (2001)
2 - into the woods (2015)
2 - Journey in the Underworld (2013)
2 - Lagoon: Land of Druids (2014)
2 - Lost Patrol (2000)
2 - Lost Woods (2015)
2 - Mage Knight Board Game (2011)
2 - Marooned! A solo game of survival (2015)
2 - Middle-Earth (1995)
2 - One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows (2017)
2 - Onirim (second edition) (2014)
2 - Pandemonium (2003)
2 - Plantation (2011)
2 - Raiders in my Pocket (2014)
2 - Room 25 (2013)
2 - Satchel: A Journey Unknown (2020)
2 - Search for the Emperor's Treasure (1981)
2 - Spice Winds (2014)
2 - Star Viking (1981)
2 - Stratocracy (2009)
2 - Stuff and Nonsense (2015)
2 - Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game (2015)
1 - 2014 Print and Play Secret Santa Wishlist (2015)
1 - 3 Dice (2011)
1 - 4XL (0)
1 - After School Ghost Club (2020)
1 - The Amityville Project: Phobos (0)
1 - Amontillado (2014)
1 - Arcanum (2005)
1 - Artifacts, Inc. (2014)
1 - Cave Pilot 55 (2015)
1 - Chain Mail (2019)
1 - Colossal Cave Adventure: The Card Game (2013)
1 - Conquistador (2005)
1 - CRMA: The Battle for Colony ZXC123 (2013)
1 - The Dark (2019)
1 - Dead Man's Island (2007)
1 - Deathsville Assassin The Board Game (2008)
1 - Diamant (2005)
1 - Dragonscroll (2014)
1 - Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
1 - Endeavor: Age of Sail (2018)
1 - Escape: The Curse of the Temple (2012)
1 - Ethereum (2010)
1 - Expedition: Northwest Passage (2010) Thumbs Up!
1 - Fire of Eidolon (2017)
1 - The First War (2014)
1 - Foragers (2016)
1 - Frischfleisch (1999)
1 - Goldräuber (2018)
1 - GunCrawl: A game of Close Quarters Havoc (2008)
1 - HeroQuest (1989)
1 - HOPE (2018)
1 - Hot Air: Solitaire (2008)
1 - Hyperborea (2014)
1 - K2 (2010) Thumbs Up!
1 - Kamen Rider: Operation Shocker (2017)
1 - Labyrinth Life: The Maze of Being You (2013)
1 - Liberation (2018)
1 - Lost Artifact (2018)
1 - The Lost Expedition (2017)
1 - Madeira (2013)
1 - Magic Maze (2017)
1 - Magic Realm Light 30 (2015)
1 - Maze of the Red Mage: A Solitaire Dungeon Adventure! (2007)
1 - Metal Quest (2015)
1 - Micro Chapbook RPG: The Card Game (2020)
1 - MiniSkull Caverns (0)
1 - Mission Patrol (2010)
1 - The Mushroom Eaters (2013)
1 - Off World Colonies (2011)
1 - Oikodomos (2012)
1 - Parsely #1: Action Castle (0)
1 - Race to Adventure: The Spirit of the Century Exploration Game (2013)
1 - The Ratcatcher, Solo Adventure (2020)
1 - Rise of the Northmen (2018)
1 - Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
1 - Rogue's Quest (2011)
1 - Sanitarium (2012)
1 - ScatterLand (2011)
1 - Serfs & Soldiers (2014)
1 - Shafted (2010)
1 - Sleeping Gods (2021)
1 - Solo Dungeon Bash (2007)
1 - The Sorcerer's Cave (1978)
1 - Star Beacon (2010)
1 - Storm the Castle (2008)
1 - Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King (2015)
1 - Tabernacle (2003)
1 - Tales of Danger #1: Days of Discovery (2018)
1 - Techlandia (2020)
1 - Terminator Salvation (2010)
1 - Terra Incognita (2015)
1 - This House Is Haunted (2014)
1 - Trick or Treat Halloween PnP Boardgame (2014)
1 - Unlock! (2017)
1 - Unlock! Fifth Avenue (2017)
1 - Vampyre (1981)
1 - Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora (1981)
1 - Xia: Legends of a Drift System (2014)
1 - Zombie Slayer (2015)