PNPCRAFT Leaders For 2020
Leaders are calculated based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month. This eliminates multiple entries for a game by the same user during a month (an acceptable practice, but one that dilutes the stats).

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Unique Entries: 439
Actual Entries: 449
# of Games: 326
# of Users: 120
Top 100 Games
5 - Calico (2020)
5 - Outside the Scope of BGG (0)
5 - Pandemic: Hot Zone – North America (2020)
5 - Sprawlopolis (2018)
5 - Unpublished Prototype (0)
4 - Hey, That's My Fish! (2003)
4 - Kingdomino (2016)
4 - Micro City (Second Edition) (2020)
4 - Under Falling Skies (2019)
3 - 7 Wonders: Duel (2015)
3 - Agent Decker (2015)
3 - Blitzkrieg! (2019)
3 - Blorg in the Midwest (2017)
3 - Circle the Wagons (2017)
3 - Corinth (2019)
3 - Escape From Hades (2019)
3 - Fjords (2005)
3 - The Grand Carnival (2020)
3 - Lost Legacy (2013)
3 - Okiya (2012)
3 - Orchard: A 9 card solitaire game (2018)
3 - Ra (1999)
3 - Squire for Hire (2019)
3 - Star Trek: The Dice Game (2016) Thumbs Up!
3 - TINYforming Mars (2019)
3 - Why I Otter (2019)
2 - 12 Patrols (2019)
2 - 2038: Tycoons of the Asteroid Belt (1995)
2 - Ada Lovelace: Consulting Mathematician (2017)
2 - Agricola, Master of Britain (2016)
2 - Air, Land & Sea (2018)
2 - Ambagibus (2009)
2 - Animal Kingdoms (2020)
2 - Antinomy (2019)
2 - Arcane Bakery Clash (2018)
2 - Arkham Noir: Collector Case #2 – The King in Yellow (2017)
2 - Austerity (2015)
2 - Bellum Sacrum (2019)
2 - Black Sonata (2017)
2 - Bumbling Bees (2019)
2 - Chronicles of Crime (2018)
2 - The Coin Tribes' Revolt: Boudica's Rebellion Against Rome (2018)
2 - Decktet (2008)
2 - Deep Space D-6 (2015) Thumbs Up!
2 - Dollars to Donuts (2020)
2 - Flock (2020)
2 - Food Chain Island (2020)
2 - For Sale (1997)
2 - Hyper Light Flicker (0)
2 - Jasper and Zot (2011)
2 - The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Realm (2018)
2 - Lobbyist: Shaping the Vote (2020)
2 - Mandala (2019)
2 - The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (2016)
2 - Maximum Apocalypse (2018) Thumbs Up!
2 - Medium (2019)
2 - Micro Rome (2014)
2 - Nytelyfe Solitaire (2020)
2 - Pandemic: The Cure (2014) Thumbs Up!
2 - PAPER ROLL & Write (2020)
2 - Polyhedral Park Planner (2019)
2 - Raging Bulls (2017)
2 - Satchel: A Journey Unknown (2020)
2 - Seasons of Rice (2018)
2 - SOS Titanic (2013)
2 - SpaceShipped (2019)
2 - Tiny Farms (2020)
2 - Tumble Town (2021)
2 - Tussie-Mussie (2019)
2 - Twin Stars: Adventure Series I (2017)
2 - Universal Rule (2017)
2 - Universal Rule: Second Wave (2017)
2 - Zany Zoo (2019)
1 - #VECTOR (2014)
1 - (Your Name Here) and the Argonauts (2012)
1 - 1800 (2002)
1 - 1862: Beaver Dam Creek (0)
1 - 1889 (2004)
1 - 18AL (1999)
1 - 18Dracula (2019)
1 - 18TE: Eisenbahnen im Tecklenburger Land (2019)
1 - Aces of Valor: Aerial Combat during WWI (2014)
1 - Adamastor (2017)
1 - Adventure of D (Second Edition) (2020)
1 - Aether Captains: The Search (2011)
1 - After School Ghost Club (2020)
1 - Age of Steam Redraws by James Mathias (0)
1 - Agricola (2007) Thumbs Up!
1 - Android: Netrunner (2012)
1 - Animal Upon Animal (2005)
1 - Anzac Cove (2019)
1 - Archers of Nand (2020)
1 - Area Z (2019)
1 - Arkham Horror (1987)
1 - Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
1 - The Artemis Project (2019)
1 - At All Costs! The Great War in the East (2020)
1 - Atol (2020)
1 - Ausonia (2021)
1 - Azul (2017)
1 - Bandido (2016)
1 - BANG! The Dice Game (2013)
1 - Barbarian Vince (2012)
1 - Battle Line (2000)
1 - Beyond Baker Street (2016)
1 - Biscuit Ball (2020)
1 - Blight Chronicles: Agent Decker (2019)
1 - Bloc by Bloc: The Insurrection Game (2016)
1 - Breath (2013)
1 - Buddy Cop (2021)
1 - Bury Me In the Rift (2019)
1 - Cacti (2020)
1 - Campy Creatures (2017)
1 - Canopy (2021)
1 - Carcassonne (2000) Thumbs Up!
1 - Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale (2019)
1 - Cascadia (2021) Thumbs Up!
1 - Castles of Caleira (2018)
1 - Cathedral (1978)
1 - Chain Mail (2019)
1 - Charlemagne, Master of Europe (2017)
1 - Chartae (2019)
1 - Circus Corgis (2020)
1 - Civil War Campaign Series (2002)
1 - CODEX Naturalis (2020)
1 - Condottiere (1995)
1 - Constantinople (2016)
1 - Container: 10th Anniversary Jumbo Edition! (2018)
1 - Count of Nine (2018)
1 - Crash! (2021)
1 - Crokinole (1876)
1 - Crusaders solo rules (0)
1 - Crystallo (2018)
1 - Dice of the Living Dead 2nd edition (2020)
1 - Die Hitman (2018)
1 - Dixit (2008)
1 - Djinn's Game (2010)
1 - DNGN (2020)
1 - Doctor Smuglfreud's Marvelous Machine (2018)
1 - Dragon Pass (1980)
1 - Droplets (2019)
1 - Duffers (2020)
1 - Dune (1979)
1 - Dungeon Cruller (2018)
1 - Dungeon of Darkness (2017)
1 - Dungeon of Deadliest Evil (2013)
1 - Earthshine (2020)
1 - ECK: A solo trick-taking card game (2020)
1 - Eindekker (2009)
1 - The Epic of Gil & Ennis (2019)
1 - Era of Kingdoms (2019)
1 - Expedition: Northwest Passage (2010) Thumbs Up!
1 - Exploriana (2019)
1 - Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011) Thumbs Up!
1 - Fou Fou Fou ! (2019)
1 - Free Trader 1902 (2008)
1 - Freedom Five: A Sentinel Comics Board Game (2021)
1 - Friday (2011) Thumbs Up!
1 - Ganz schön clever (2018)
1 - Germania: Drusus' Campaigns 12-9 BC (1986)
1 - Glen More (2010)
1 - Go Cuckoo! (2016)
1 - Goblivion (2018)
1 - Goldräuber (2018)
1 - Grease Monkey Garage (2017)
1 - The Great Zimbabwe (2012)
1 - Habitats (2016)
1 - Handsome (2019)
1 - Hansa (2004)
1 - Hardback (2018)
1 - Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle (2016)
1 - Heroes of Tenefyr (2019)
1 - HeroTec (2018)
1 - Hierarchy (2019)
1 - High Society (1995)
1 - Himalaya (2002)
1 - Horrified (2019)
1 - How to Rob a Bank (2017)
1 - I Hate Zombies (2015)
1 - In Security (2014)
1 - In Vino Morte (2016)
1 - An Infamous Traffic (2016)
1 - InterUrban (2003)
1 - Iron Curtain (2017)
1 - Iron Helm (2019)
1 - Kakerlakenpoker Royal (2012)
1 - Karmaka (2016)
1 - KeyForge: Mass Mutation (2020)
1 - Ladybug Lunch (0)
1 - Legends of the Strike Zone (2020)
1 - Lilypads (2020)
1 - Lost Cities (1999)
1 - The Lost Expedition (2017)
1 - Love Letter Premium (2016)
1 - LURE (2019)
1 - The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire (2016)
1 - Maquis (2013) Thumbs Up!
1 - Marine! (1975)
1 - Marrakesh (1978)
1 - Marvel United (2020)
1 - Matryoshka (2016)
1 - Mechanical Beast (2019)
1 - Melt Some Plastic (2006)
1 - Meow: The Cult of Cat (2019)
1 - Metempsychosis: Abyss of Horrors (2020)
1 - Micro Chapbook RPG: The Card Game (2020)
1 - Micro City (2018)
1 - Micro Space Empire (2011)
1 - Mini Rogue (2016)
1 - Mint Control (2020)
1 - The Mission: Early Christianity from the Crucifixion to the Crusades (2020)
1 - Mizuage (2015)
1 - Modern Art (1992)
1 - Moonrakers (2020)
1 - Mower Mania (2016)
1 - Mr Lister's Quiz Shootout (2015)
1 - Mrs Thatcher's War: The Falklands, 1982 (2017)
1 - Mü & More (1995)
1 - Mutant Crops (2016)
1 - My City (2020)
1 - My Little Scythe (2017)
1 - Neotraditional Ama (2018)
1 - The Networks (2016)
1 - Night Class (2019)
1 - NOVA: Race from the Sun (2020)
1 - Odin Quest (2016)
1 - Okey Dokey (2016)
1 - One Deck Galaxy (2021)
1 - One Key (2019)
1 - Onirim (second edition) (2014)
1 - Onitama (2014)
1 - Palm Island (2018)
1 - Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 (2020)
1 - Paper 'Mech (2016)
1 - Parade (2007)
1 - Paris (2020)
1 - Penny Rails (2019)
1 - Platoon Command (2016)
1 - PlusMinusOne (2019)
1 - Power Grid (2004)
1 - POX: Save the People (2011)
1 - Ra: The Dice Game (2009)
1 - Ragemore (2018)
1 - Rail Raiders Infinite (2017)
1 - Rangers of Shadow Deep (2018)
1 - The Ratcatcher, Solo Adventure (2020)
1 - Reconquista (2014)
1 - Red vs White vs Blue: A Russian Civil War 1918-1922 (2015)
1 - Reigns: The Council (2020)
1 - Reiner Knizia's Decathlon (2003) Thumbs Up!
1 - Rising Sun, Tumbling Bear: A Solitaire Game of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). (2017)
1 - Robin of Locksley (2019)
1 - Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island (2012)
1 - Robo Junkyard (2020)
1 - Roland Wright's Pencil Park (2017)
1 - Roll Camera! The Filmmaking Board Game (2021)
1 - Roll For It! (2011)
1 - Roll to Escape (2020)
1 - Root (2018)
1 - Rosetta: The Lost Language (2020)
1 - Rough: The Card Game (2014)
1 - Royal Espionage (2018)
1 - A Rusty Throne (2019)
1 - Santorini (2016)
1 - Scrabble Dice (1989)
1 - The Seeker in the Forest of Wyr (2014)
1 - SET SAILS FOR GLORY: A Solitaire Game of Naval Adventure during the Age of Nelson. (2016)
1 - Seven Bridges (2020)
1 - Sharks and Jets (2006)
1 - SHŌBU (2019)
1 - Siberia: The Card Game (2012)
1 - Silver & Gold (2019)
1 - Six (2003)
1 - Skull (2011)
1 - Skulls of Sedlec (2020)
1 - Sleeping Gods (2021)
1 - Snowbirds (2017)
1 - Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery (2012)
1 - The Speicherstadt (2010)
1 - Squire for Hire: Mystic Runes (2020)
1 - Stalingrad: The Leather Factory (2008)
1 - Star Realms (2014) Thumbs Up!
1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation – Interactive VCR Board Game – A Klingon Challenge (1993)
1 - Starbase Jeff (1998)
1 - Stick/Mud_Farmer Re-theme (1996)
1 - Strawberry Ninja (2017)
1 - Switchboard: A solo game of crossed lines (2019)
1 - The Table Is Lava (2018)
1 - Tango Down: Man to Man Urban Combat (2019)
1 - Terrible Monster (2015)
1 - This Guilty Land (2018)
1 - Ticket to Ride (2004)
1 - Time Tripper (1980)
1 - Tiny Castles (2015)
1 - Tiny Epic Dinosaurs (2020)
1 - To Catch a Spy (2020)
1 - The Toledo War (2019)
1 - Triplanetary (1973)
1 - Tropes: The Horror Story Edition (2015)
1 - Tyrants of the Underdark (2016)
1 - Ukiyo (2020)
1 - Unbroken (2018)
1 - Universal Rule: Singularity (2020)
1 - Unlock! Fifth Avenue (2017)
1 - Upstairs (2015)
1 - Vamp on the Batwalk (2021)
1 - War of the Worlds: The New Wave (2019)
1 - A War of Whispers (2019)
1 - Warmaster Ancients (2005)
1 - Washing Lines (2017)
1 - The Whatnot Cabinet (2021)
1 - Wipers Salient (2015)
1 - Wizkrieg (2021)
1 - Wiz-War (1983)
1 - Wonder Tales (2019)
1 - Word Yahtzee (1978)
1 - Wordsy (2017)
1 - Würfel Bingo (2007)
1 - XenoShyft: Onslaught (2015)
1 - Yeomen: The 9 Card Agincourt Game (2016)
1 - Yokohama (2016)
1 - Zaibatsu: Speedrunners (2017)
1 - ZEP! (2015)
1 - Zombie in my Pocket (2007)
1 - Zooloretto Junior (2010)
1 - メトロックス (MetroX) (2018)
Top 100 Users
50 - Brazillb2
29 - yamaraus
27 - BloodyMe
27 - DrHenryArmitage
16 - tomaszek
15 - cabbagekingaf
14 - aelfric_brewer
11 - sanchezja
9 - lowwwe
8 - CrickRock
8 - mspider_89
7 - chimbu
7 - MuttonchopMac
7 - voltan
6 - narcher007
6 - NiceGuyMike
6 - prairienerd
6 - ShizoJen
5 - Gnomekin
5 - rayzg
5 - ThroughTheDeckGlass
5 - vangamer1578
4 - bluewizard
4 - cattarn
4 - deemac
4 - Desrespres
4 - ivan111
4 - JohnKean
4 - schattentanz
4 - Vanknee
4 - wonderboy1970
3 - barteus
3 - Dom22
3 - garry_rice
3 - haplo92
3 - marcoahsato
3 - patton55
3 - richpizor
2 - alexisW
2 - ankur88
2 - BuckWilde
2 - cdm8387
2 - claudermilk
2 - dexMilano
2 - dunmharu
2 - dwbgamer
2 - FaintlyMacabre66
2 - Fuzzedboef
2 - JLPreiser
2 - Mikyoungen
2 - MyNameIsFourteen
2 - pelni
2 - ShadeMoon64
2 - sorgur
2 - Stephen Glenn
2 - thepillbox
2 - Triton90
2 - twinfreak
2 - zumby65
1 - adampudliner
1 - adularia25
1 - alexnevsky
1 - andyhaggis
1 - anijunk
1 - Annowme
1 - arhpositive
1 - Backlash27
1 - bassist777
1 - Bichatse
1 - Bruiser419
1 - danrodz
1 - Dcraftt
1 - DieVier
1 - drfreema
1 - elmsley4
1 - Faville
1 - Fyrebird
1 - Gilintx
1 - gladiator_posse
1 - goodtimejakob
1 - govmiller
1 - greatredwarrior
1 - gregez1986
1 - Hopelesst
1 - htimsdivadnai
1 - jbfps116
1 - jeremymr
1 - jeRm!
1 - kirkroberts
1 - leisenstein
1 - lovemyfire
1 - mads b.
1 - Matt1990
1 - mcclatchey
1 - mpr joe
1 - MRSA_Major
1 - mythirdi09
1 - Narrow Gate Games
1 - NeilGordon
1 - nocsha
1 - nodegamra
1 - OldTymer
1 - Onthewayover
1 - puffinslayer
1 - ropearoni4
1 - runnaman
1 - SeanXor
1 - Shellin
1 - silencewalker
1 - SJeyaraman
1 - SteveB
1 - Stonebeard
1 - stuart_coyle
1 - SuncoastGuy
1 - sunflowersunity
1 - Suspension Engineer
1 - ThePlayerLair
1 - Ultracheng
1 - Werdna
1 - wolverinejay