PNPCRAFT Leaders For 2019
Leaders are calculated based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month. This eliminates multiple entries for a game by the same user during a month (an acceptable practice, but one that dilutes the stats).

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Unique Entries: 525
Actual Entries: 530
# of Games: 393
# of Users: 107
Top 100 Games
10 - Sprawlopolis (2018)
9 - Unpublished Prototype (0)
8 - TINYforming Mars (2019)
7 - Orchard: A 9 card solitaire game (2018)
6 - Blorg in the Midwest (2017)
6 - Count of Nine (2018)
5 - HAZE ISLANDS (2016)
4 - Agent Decker (2015)
4 - City of the Big Shoulders (2019)
4 - Tussie-Mussie (2019)
4 - Under Falling Skies (2019)
3 - [WIP] LANTERN - [Roll & Write Game Design Contest] - Components Available
3 - Battle Line (2000)
3 - Circle the Wagons (2017)
3 - Dune (1979)
3 - Endangered (2020)
3 - Fantastic Factories (2019)
3 - First Snow (2017)
3 - Lord of the Rings: The Adventure Deck Game (2011)
3 - Mint Works (2017)
3 - Palm Island (2018)
3 - Stew (2018)
3 - Sub Terra (2017)
3 - Tiny Epic Galaxies (2015)
3 - Villagers (2019)
3 - Zombie in my Pocket (2007)
2 - [WIP] Pack It Tin - The Luggage Game You Pack Away as you Play! - 2018 Mint Tin Design Contest Entry (Contest Ready)
2 - 1825 Unit 1 (1995)
2 - 9-Card Circus (2019)
2 - As Long as the Grass Grows: The Conquest of the American West 1845-1881 (2018)
2 - Barbarian Prince (1981)
2 - Barbarian Vince (2012)
2 - Between Two Cities (2015)
2 - Bohnanza (1997)
2 - Calico (2020)
2 - Chunky Fighters (2009)
2 - Crashland (2015)
2 - Crystallo (2018)
2 - Decktet (2008)
2 - Deep Space D-6 (2015) Thumbs Up!
2 - Desolate (2018)
2 - Donning the Purple (2018)
2 - Dreams of Tomorrow (2019)
2 - The Duke (2013)
2 - Easy Come, Easy Go (2004)
2 - Grease Monkey Garage (2017)
2 - High Society (1995)
2 - Horse & Musket: Dawn of an Era (2017)
2 - Jasper and Zot (2011)
2 - Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game (2012) Thumbs Up!
2 - Legends of Andor (2012)
2 - Love Letter (2012)
2 - Magic: The Gathering (1993)
2 - Maquis (2013) Thumbs Up!
2 - Micro City (2018)
2 - Micropul (2004)
2 - Mint Cooperative (2020)
2 - Mottainai (2015)
2 - Mr. Cabbagehead's Garden Game (2016)
2 - One Deck Dungeon (2016)
2 - Ragemore (2018)
2 - Seasons of Rice (2018)
2 - Snowbirds (2017)
2 - Splendor (2014)
2 - Squire for Hire (2019)
2 - Table Battles (2017)
2 - Taiga (2010)
2 - Tak (2017)
2 - Ticket to Ride (2004)
2 - Utopia Engine (2010)
2 - Village Pillage (2019)
2 - WIP - Bury Me in the Rift
1 - "Sickle" - An Un-Official, Fan Vairiant, 1 & 2 Player Travel Size Version of Scythe
1 - [ WIP ] The Salish Sea - 2019 9 Card Game Print and Play Design Contest - Contest Ready
1 - [Components Available] Adventuring Guild! A short Worker placement, Push-your-luck game - 2019 Solitaire PnP contest
1 - [WIP] Secret Agent (2019 54-Card Contest, Contest Ready)
1 - [WIP] 12 Offerings - A Submission to the 2019 9 Card Design Contest (Components Ready)
1 - [WIP] Beowulf's Beasts - 2018 Mint Tin Contest Entry (Components Ready)
1 - [WIP] Mariner--2019 9 Card Game Print and Play Design Contest (Components Available)
1 - [WIP] Market Alchemist - Draft Phase
1 - [WIP] Paleolittle - a Project SHRINKO adaptation of Stone Age
1 - [WIP] Petit Velo - a shrinkified Flamme Rouge (13-25 cards) [COMPONENTS READY]
1 - [WIP] Power Duel a tiny version of Powergrid
1 - [WIP] Ring Tales - A 9-card storytelling game
1 - [WIP] Rogue Labyrinth (Component Ready) - 2019 Solitaire Print and Play Contest
1 - [WIP] Settlers of Catiny (Catan on 9 cards)
1 - [WIP] Starfarm Ceres
1 - [WIP] SWITCHBOARD: A solo game of crossed lines - 2019 9 Card Game PnP Design Contest (Components Available)
1 - [WIP] The Brooklyn Project (Tiny Manhattan Project) - Turning a "Fat Man" into a "Little Boy"
1 - [wip] Thunder Visitors (contest ready)
1 - [WIP] Tiny Black Orchestra - [Project Shrinko]
1 - [WIP] Verde - an Azul in a Tin
1 - [WIP] Word Chain - 2019 9 Card Game PnP Design Contest (Components Available)
1 - {WIP} 75 to go... (parts ready)
1 - 13 Sheep (2019)
1 - 1572: The Lost Expedition (2016)
1 - 1828 (2018)
1 - 1849: The Game of Sicilian Railways (1998)
1 - 1889 (2004)
1 - 1941: What If? An Alternative History Wargame of a Second Winter War (2018)
1 - 3 Dice (2011)
1 - 30 Rails (2016) Thumbs Up!
1 - 4XL (0)
1 - '65: Squad-Level Combat in the Jungles of Vietnam (2016) Thumbs Up!
1 - 7 Dice Wonders (2013)
1 - The 7th Continent (2017)
1 - A4 Quest (2017)
1 - Achoo! The Viral Card Game (2016)
1 - Aegean Sea (2019)
1 - Age of Civilization (2019)
1 - Agricola Express (2009)
1 - Airborne In Your Pocket: Free Trial Version (2009)
1 - Al Parlamento (1975)
1 - Albedo (2017)
1 - All Bridges Burning: Red Revolt and White Guard in Finland, 1917-1918 (2020)
1 - Amoeba Wars (1981)
1 - Animal Kingdoms (2020)
1 - Antiquity (2004)
1 - Apocrypha Adventure Card Game (2017)
1 - Arcane Bakery Clash (2018)
1 - Arctic Dash: A Narwhal Race (2016)
1 - Arkham Express (2010)
1 - Arkham Horror: The Card Game (2016)
1 - Arkham Investigator (2013)
1 - The Artemis Project (2019)
1 - Azul (2017)
1 - Batman: Gotham City Chronicles (2019) Thumbs Up!
1 - Battle for the Carolinas (2018)
1 - Battle Masters (1992)
1 - BattleTech: Domination (2013)
1 - Best Treehouse Ever (2015)
1 - Biblios (2007)
1 - The Big Cheese (1998)
1 - Black Sonata (2017)
1 - Blankout (2018)
1 - Block Mania (1987)
1 - Blokus 3D (2003)
1 - Blokus Duo (2005)
1 - Blood Before Richmond: Malvern Hill (2018)
1 - Botanists (2019)
1 - Bottom of the 9th (2015)
1 - Bridgette (1970)
1 - Buccaneer Bones (2013)
1 - Buccaneers! (2013)
1 - Button Men (1999)
1 - Carcassonne (2000) Thumbs Up!
1 - Carcassonne: Winter Edition (2012)
1 - Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale (2019)
1 - Cat Lady (2017)
1 - Catan (1995)
1 - Caudillo (2016)
1 - Certain Stars (2017)
1 - Chocolatiers (2019)
1 - Chronicles of Crime (2018)
1 - Clue Master Detective (1988)
1 - Cobras (2017)
1 - Codex: Card-Time Strategy – Deluxe Set (2016)
1 - Conquest of Paradise (2007)
1 - Corinth (2019)
1 - Cosmic Eidex (1998)
1 - Coup (2012)
1 - The Court of Xiang Chi (2015)
1 - Crazy Cat Lady (2015)
1 - The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine (2019)
1 - Crimson Company (2019)
1 - Criss Cross (2017)
1 - The Dark (2019)
1 - Dark Side Of The Mine (2019)
1 - Dawn of the Dead (1978)
1 - Dead Drop (2015)
1 - Delivery Town - 2018 Children's Game Print and Play Design Contest (Contest Ready)
1 - Desert Islet (SHRINKO)(WIP)[COMPONENTS available]
1 - Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game (2018)
1 - The Devil's To Pay! The First Day at Gettysburg (2019)
1 - Discworld: Ankh-Morpork (2011)
1 - Do Not Forsake Me (Oh My Darling) (2015)
1 - Doctor Smuglfreud's Marvelous Machine (2018)
1 - Downforce (2017)
1 - Draconis Invasion (2016)
1 - Dracula's Feast: New Blood (2020)
1 - Drill It: The Print & Play Game (2014)
1 - Drop It (2018)
1 - Dune: The Dice Game (2015)
1 - Dungeon in a Tin (2011)
1 - Dungeon of Darkness (2017)
1 - The Easter Bunny Game (2010)
1 - Edge of Darkness: Guildmaster Edition (2019)
1 - Ein Altes Kriegsspiel (1858)
1 - Empire Engine (2013)
1 - Enemy Chocolatier (2006)
1 - Escape From Dinosaur Island! (1998)
1 - Escape from New York (1981)
1 - Evolution Island (2018)
1 - Eye for an Eye (2019)
1 - A Fake Artist Goes to New York (2012)
1 - Fallout Adventures (2017)
1 - The Few and Cursed (2020)
1 - FIKA (duel / solo - pnp / Tabletopia)
1 - Five Leagues from the Borderlands (2018)
1 - FLAC: Fast Large Air Combats (2014)
1 - Flash Point: Fire Rescue (2011) Thumbs Up!
1 - Food Truck Champion (2017)
1 - For Sale (1997)
1 - Forbidden Island (2010) Thumbs Up!
1 - Fortune Fame & Glory (2019)
1 - Four Against Darkness (2016)
1 - Fresh Fish (1997)
1 - Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago (2017)
1 - Galilean Moons (2020)
1 - Gaslands (2017)
1 - Generic Racing Game (2009)
1 - Glastonbury (2013)
1 - Glory to Rome (2005)
1 - Gods of Metal: The Chosen (2019)
1 - Great Western Trail (2016) Thumbs Up!
1 - Grit & Gold (2017)
1 - Gulo Gulo (2003)
1 - Gwent: Monsters and Scoia'tael (2015)
1 - Hamburgum (2007)
1 - Hanamikoji (2013)
1 - Heat (2015)
1 - HeroTec (2018)
1 - Hocus (2016)
1 - Holmes & Watson 1890-1914: Adventures in the London Fog (2017)
1 - HP tracker for Vilains and Heroes (0)
1 - Hunted: Kobayashi Tower (2021)
1 - Hunted: Mining Colony 415 (2021)
1 - Hyperborea (2014)
1 - I Hate Zombies (2015)
1 - Ilmajääkärit (1942)
1 - Imhotep (2016)
1 - Impulse (2013)
1 - Infection Express (2009)
1 - The Institute for Magical Arts (2015)
1 - Intruder (1980)
1 - It Happens.. (2010)
1 - It's a Dice Game, After All! (2013)
1 - Jaipur (2009)
1 - Joy Cohn (1997)
1 - Jump Drive (2017)
1 - KeyForge: Call of the Archons (2018)
1 - Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time (2020)
1 - Kingdomino (2016)
1 - König von Siam (2007)
1 - Kriegspiel Junior (1915)
1 - Labyrinth (1986)
1 - The Legend of Zelda: Clockwork Realm (2018)
1 - Legends of Novus (2019)
1 - Letter Jam (2019)
1 - Leviathan (2018)
1 - Liberation (2018)
1 - Lightning & Bolt (2018)
1 - Lilliburlero: The Battle of the Boyne, July 1690 (2013)
1 - Machi Koro (2012)
1 - Mad Love (2018)
1 - Magical Athlete (2002)
1 - Magik Realm (2017)
1 - The Maiden in the Forest (2015)
1 - Maximum Apocalypse (2018) Thumbs Up!
1 - Meltwater: A Game of Tactical Starvation (2018)
1 - Memoir '44 (2004) Thumbs Up!
1 - Men At Work (2019)
1 - Merry Christmas! The Hand-Drafting Card Game (2014)
1 - Microshogi (1982)
1 - mini istanbul (2019)
1 - Mini Rogue (2016)
1 - Mint Tin Pirates (2014)
1 - Modern Art (1992)
1 - Moonstone (0)
1 - Mower Mania (2016)
1 - Murderer's Row (2015)
1 - My Little Scythe (2017)
1 - NeuroPunk: Artificial Intelligence (2019)
1 - New Bedford (2016)
1 - Nightmare House (1983)
1 - Nile DeLuxor (2011)
1 - Ninja: Silent But Deadly (2016)
1 - Ninjitsu! (2018)
1 - No Dice (1987)
1 - No Thanks! (2004)
1 - Oh My Lair! (2012)
1 - Operation Last Train (2019)
1 - Ornaments of the Dark - One Page PNP Contest [ CONTEST READY ]
1 - Otto the Octopus (2016)
1 - Outlive (2017)
1 - Outside the Scope of BGG (0)
1 - Paiko (2012)
1 - Paint the Roses (2018)
1 - Pairs (2014)
1 - Paper Pinball: Sherwood 2146 (2018)
1 - Paper Pinball: Wolf Hackers (2018)
1 - Paradox: The time travel card game (2018)
1 - Parts Unknown (1999)
1 - Patrol: Lost! (2009)
1 - Pax Porfiriana (2012)
1 - Planet Run (2013)
1 - Planetary Reign (2016)
1 - Playmat for Arctic Scavengers - 24"x14" (300dpi) (2008)
1 - Pocket Civ (2005)
1 - Pokémon Trading Card Game (1996)
1 - Postcard Cthulhu (2014)
1 - Potions Class (2018)
1 - Power Surge: Cyber Security Academy – The Card Game (2018)
1 - Prince's Gambit (2018)
1 - Project L (2020)
1 - Project SHRINKO! Tiny versions of big BIG games
1 - Push It (2015)
1 - Q4 (2014)
1 - Quests of Valeria (2017)
1 - The Quiet Year (1998)
1 - Quilterful (2018)
1 - Rangers of Shadow Deep (2018)
1 - Red Peter (2015)
1 - Red7 (2014)
1 - Rest In Peace: The Asylum (2018)
1 - Rifles in the Ardennes (2017)
1 - Roads & Boats (1999)
1 - Roll Player (2016)
1 - Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (2008) Thumbs Up!
1 - Roll-and-write
1 - Rolling Japan (2014)
1 - Root (2018)
1 - Rune (2019)
1 - Sask. Watch (2018)
1 - Scrabble (1948)
1 - Scuttle! (2016)
1 - Semper Fidelis: Bitwa o Lwów 1918-1919 (2017)
1 - Sentinels of the Multiverse (2011)
1 - Set a Watch (2019)
1 - The Shooting Party (2016)
1 - The Shores of Tripoli (2020)
1 - Show & Tile (2018)
1 - Siege of Tenochtitlan 1521 & The Noche Triste 1520 (2018)
1 - Silver (2019)
1 - Six Sons of the Sultan (2014)
1 - Sixteen Thirty Something (1995)
1 - Solar Storm (2020)
1 - Solitary Journey (2018)
1 - The Solo System (2016)
1 - Space Race: The Card Game (2017)
1 - Spanish Fury, Siege! (2001)
1 - SPQF (2018)
1 - Star Fleet Battles (1979)
1 - Sticheln (1993)
1 - Street Rod: the card game (2018)
1 - Strife: Legacy of the Eternals (2014)
1 - Super Fantasy Brawl (2020)
1 - Sword and Sail (2004)
1 - Tangram Games (0)
1 - Targi (2012)
1 - Tasty Humans (2020)
1 - Techlandia (2020)
1 - Teotihuacan: City of Gods (2018)
1 - Thief!: Dragon's Treasure (2019)
1 - Thieves (2018)
1 - This Guilty Land (2018)
1 - Tides of Time (2015)
1 - Tiny Epic Mechs (2019)
1 - Tokaido (2012)
1 - Tokyo Highway (2016)
1 - Tournament Fishing: The Deckbuilding Game (2017) Thumbs Up!
1 - Town Builder: Coevorden (2019)
1 - Town Center (2012)
1 - Trick Shot (2021)
1 - Tricky Kitty (2017)
1 - Truck Off: The Food Truck Frenzy (2017)
1 - Tumblin-Dice (2004)
1 - tummple! (0)
1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters (2020)
1 - Undaunted: Normandy (2019)
1 - Unexploded Cow (2001)
1 - Universal Rule (2017)
1 - Unpublished Prototypes (1998)
1 - Unspeakable Words (2007)
1 - Untamed: Feral Factions (2019)
1 - Vera Cruz (2012)
1 - The Very Clever Pipe Game (1996)
1 - Vira (1818)
1 - Washing Lines (2017)
1 - Weapons & Warriors: Castle Combat Set (1993)
1 - Western in my Pocket (2012)
1 - Whack & Slaughter (2011)
1 - WIP-- CRYSTALLO (Solo PNP Contest-- Components Available!)
1 - Wipers Salient (2015)
1 - Wiz-War (eighth edition) (2012)
1 - Wokou (2018)
1 - Xscape (2011)
1 - Yukon Salon (2021)
1 - Zaibatsu: Speedrunners (2017)
1 - Zombie Enclave (2013)
1 - Zombie Road (2018)
1 - Zombie War (2018)
1 - Zoo-ography (2019)
Top 100 Users
42 - DrHenryArmitage
39 - Brazillb2
35 - yamaraus
23 - adampudliner
23 - deemac
23 - JohnKean
19 - lovemyfire
15 - garry_rice
15 - schattentanz
13 - tomaszek
11 - Bubblefuzz
11 - narcher007
10 - anijunk
10 - Gnomekin
9 - lowwwe
9 - patton55
8 - claudermilk
8 - twinfreak
7 - rayzg
7 - ShizoJen
6 - barteus
6 - CrickRock
6 - sanchezja
6 - ThroughTheDeckGlass
6 - voltan
5 - cattarn
5 - gregez1986
5 - Indy418
5 - jeRm!
5 - richpizor
5 - sevitrm
5 - theinfamousj
5 - VeritasEtLuxus
4 - Dom22
4 - draines
4 - esedwards
4 - mspider_89
4 - paullywitch
4 - pelni
3 - CasualGamer71
3 - govmiller
3 - greatredwarrior
3 - Mikyoungen
3 - NiceGuyMike
3 - TheBeardnBG
2 - Alita99
2 - Annowme
2 - bluewizard
2 - casualcasual
2 - Jclaude
2 - ldpaulson
2 - mamucica
2 - MarkP1981
2 - Narrow Gate Games
2 - odintsaq
2 - Onthewayover
2 - RockyMountainNavy
2 - Shadoglare
2 - soulyogurt
1 - aelfric_brewer
1 - AfterFourPhoto
1 - bassist777
1 - BlaiseGV
1 - bren_ticus
1 - Brenoit
1 - cabbagekingaf
1 - CarlK
1 - cbone2112
1 - cdm8387
1 - danrodz
1 - David H
1 - davymast
1 - dcummins81
1 - elmsley4
1 - ex1st
1 - Fennic
1 - Fire_Forever
1 - Gavmastaphlex
1 - gogmagog
1 - Hopelesst
1 - ivan111
1 - klkitchens
1 - lolo168
1 - lucsen
1 - mbboulder
1 - mccrispy
1 - mikelietz
1 - orabbi
1 - oshiricohn
1 - pharmakon
1 - pharmascifi
1 - pisang
1 - Pray4Wisdom
1 - Random Order
1 - RaveAir
1 - Robble
1 - robindavid
1 - ropearoni4
1 - Scifi66
1 - Soleia
1 - thevig
1 - tosx
1 - Triton90
1 - weyscoggin
1 - Wildcard Six
1 - wren08
1 - wyldeoak