PNPCRAFT Leaders For 2015
Leaders are calculated based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month. This eliminates multiple entries for a game by the same user during a month (an acceptable practice, but one that dilutes the stats).

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Unique Entries: 1031
Actual Entries: 1072
# of Games: 622
# of Users: 188
Top 100 Games
21 - Unpublished Prototype (0)
10 - Crashland (2015)
10 - Dune: The Dice Game (2015)
10 - Miscellaneous Game Accessory (0)
9 - Best Treehouse Ever (2015)
8 - The King of Frontier (2013)
7 - Burgle Bros. (2015) Thumbs Up!
7 - Land 6 (2014)
7 - Tides of Time (2015)
6 - Agent Decker (2015)
6 - Micro Space Empire (2011)
6 - Red7 (2014)
6 - Swinging Jivecat Voodoo Lounge (2016)
6 - Tiny Epic Galaxies (2015)
6 - Zombie in my Pocket (2007)
5 - 1889 (2004)
5 - Agent Decker - [2015 Solitaire Contest - Contest Ready!]
5 - Between Two Cities (2015)
5 - Coin Age (2013)
5 - Cosmic Run (2015)
5 - Decktet (2008)
5 - Dragon Punch (2014)
5 - The Draugr (2014)
5 - Dune (1979)
5 - Evolution (2014)
5 - The Maiden in the Forest (2015)
5 - The Ring of the Nibelung (2015)
5 - Rolling Japan (2014)
5 - Six Sons of the Sultan (2014)
5 - Weilong (2007)
4 - [WIP] - Lost Woods
4 - Barbarian Prince (1981)
4 - Battle Line (2000)
4 - Elevenses for One (2014)
4 - Farmers Market (2015)
4 - Jasper and Zot (2011)
4 - Mottainai (2015)
4 - Pellinoria (2013)
4 - Steampunk Rally (2015)
4 - Trainmaker (2012)
4 - Valeria: Card Kingdoms (2016)
4 - Wild West Way (2015)
4 - Win, Lose, or Banana (2009)
3 - ...and then, we held hands. (2015)
3 - 2015 Mini Print-n-Play Secret Santa Wish Lists (0)
3 - The 7th Continent (2017)
3 - Adorable Pandaring (2015)
3 - After Pablo (2010)
3 - Aquaducts (2015)
3 - Coup (2012)
3 - Crazy Cat Lady (2015)
3 - Dale of Merchants (2015)
3 - Dead Drop (2015)
3 - Deep Space D-6 (2015) Thumbs Up!
3 - Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space (2010)
3 - Gameshop Express (2011)
3 - Gameshop Gladiators (2013)
3 - Holiday! (1973)
3 - Infection Express (2009)
3 - Island Of D (2005)
3 - Katteni Shiyagare (2015)
3 - Ladybug Lunch (0)
3 - Love Letter (2012)
3 - The Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (2016)
3 - Maquis (2013) Thumbs Up!
3 - Micro Train (2014)
3 - Micropul (2004)
3 - No Good Gremlins (2013)
3 - Raiders of the Lost Tomb (2014)
3 - Roll Player (2016)
3 - Run Emily Run! (2009)
3 - Scythe (2016) Thumbs Up!
3 - The Seeker in the Forest of Wyr (2014)
3 - Soccer 17 (2015)
3 - Spell Saga (2019)
3 - Splendor (2014)
3 - Spyfall (2014)
3 - Starbase Jeff (1998)
3 - Ticket to Ride (2004)
3 - Tradecraft: A Spy Game (2014)
3 - Trickerion: Legends of Illusion (2015)
3 - U-Boat Attack (2015)
3 - Until Dawn (2012)
3 - Utopia Engine (2010)
2 - [WIP] Court of Xiang Chi - 2015 Solitaire PnP design contest - Components Ready Phase
2 - #VECTOR (2014)
2 - [WIP] --- Deep Space D-6 --- Solitaire PnP --- Components Ready
2 - [WIP] Crazy Cat Lady - Designed for the 2015 Solitaire PnP Contest [finished - art needed]
2 - [WIP] Dreadful Pennies! Solitaire Apocolypse on the Cheap [2015 Solitaire Contest - Component Ready/Play Testing]
2 - [WIP] Survival Tin - 2015 Solitaire PnP design contest - WIP Phase
2 - 1066, Tears To Many Mothers (2018)
2 - 1800 (2002)
2 - 1830: Railways & Robber Barons (1986)
2 - 18GA (1998)
2 - The 19th hole (2015)
2 - 2015 Print and Play Secret Santa Wish List (2016)
2 - 8-Bit Invaders (2011)
2 - Advanced Wizard's Quest (fan expansion for Wizard's Quest) (2012)
2 - Aether Captains: The Search (2011)
2 - Age of Steam (2002)
2 - Allegiance (2016)
2 - Among Nobles (2015)
2 - Austerity (2015)
2 - Beyond Baker Street (2016)
2 - The Big Time! (2011)
2 - Bohnanza (1997)
2 - Brewin' USA (2015)
2 - Campaign Trail (2019)
2 - Carcassonne: The Castle (2003)
2 - Cardville (2015)
2 - Cauldron (2015)
2 - Codenames (2015)
2 - Commodore (2005)
2 - Djinn's Game (2010)
2 - Do Not Forsake Me (Oh My Darling) (2015)
2 - Drill It: The Print & Play Game (2014)
2 - The Duke (2013)
2 - Dune Express (2009)
2 - The Dungeon of D (2008)
2 - Dungeon Solitaire: Tomb of the Four Kings (2015)
2 - Eggs and Empires (2014)
2 - Empire Engine (2013)
2 - Endless Nightmare (2013)
2 - Fish Cook (2012)
2 - Flicochet (2010)
2 - Flip City (2014)
2 - Free Trader 1902 (2008)
2 - Gameshop Adventurers (2014)
2 - Gameshop Workday (2012)
2 - Get to the Chopper!!! (2006)
2 - Gnomi
2 - Go Monsters! (2015)
2 - Good Cop Bad Cop (2014)
2 - H Of Truce (2015)
2 - Hammer of the Scots (2002)
2 - Hotel Life (1989)
2 - Hydras (2013)
2 - Ibyron: Island of Discovery (2016)
2 - Island Of D 2: The Shadow of Dawn (2005)
2 - JunKing (2015)
2 - Kill Doctor Lucky (1996)
2 - Kobayakawa (2013)
2 - Land of Enin (2012)
2 - Les Petits Pirates (2015)
2 - Lost Cities (1999)
2 - Lost Woods (2015)
2 - Lunarchitects (2016) Thumbs Up!
2 - Mage Quest (2015)
2 - Magic Realm (1979)
2 - Marrying Mr. Darcy (2014)
2 - The Mean Streets of Chicago (2013)
2 - Melee (1977)
2 - Memory (1959)
2 - Micro Rome (2014)
2 - Mogul (2002)
2 - Monstrous (2016)
2 - Mountains Aflame! (2010)
2 - New Bedford (2016)
2 - Nexus Ops (2005)
2 - A Night in Deepwail Manor (2013)
2 - Oh My Lair! (2012)
2 - Oh No, There Goes Tokyo! (2002)
2 - One Deck Dungeon (2016)
2 - Outlaw (2014)
2 - Pairs (2014)
2 - Paperback (2014) Thumbs Up!
2 - Parade (2007)
2 - Periorbis (2017)
2 - PitLane (2012)
2 - Planet Run (2013)
2 - Pleasant Prospect Farm (2014)
2 - Pocket Civ (2005)
2 - Pocket Imperium (2013)
2 - Postcard from the Revolution (2004)
2 - Province (2014)
2 - Qyshinsu: Mystery of the Way (2008)
2 - Ragnarök: Aesir and Jötunn (2011)
2 - Raiders in my Pocket (2014)
2 - Rail Baron Rivals (2014)
2 - The Ravens of Thri Sahashri (2013)
2 - Reiner Knizia's Decathlon (2003) Thumbs Up!
2 - Risk Express (2006)
2 - Rocketships to Eos (2015)
2 - Seeds (2015)
2 - Serengeti (2001)
2 - Serica: Plains of Dust (2011)
2 - Smoking Gun (2015)
2 - soft landing v1.0 (2009)
2 - A Straight Road (2014)
2 - Sword and Sail (2004)
2 - The Táin (2014)
2 - Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends (2013)
2 - The Thing (2010)
2 - Tiny Epic Defenders (2015)
2 - Tiny Epic Kingdoms (2014)
2 - Tower (2013)
2 - Tradewinds (2010)
2 - Two Rooms and a Boom (2013)
2 - Vast: The Crystal Caverns (2016)
2 - Welcome to the Dungeon (2013)
2 - Yardmaster Express (2014)
2 - Zoo Webs (2015)
Top 100 Users
52 - bryan1650t
45 - EmpressGeek
37 - davidallves
36 - chansen2794
36 - Varduk
34 - courtjus
28 - spikedone
26 - orabbi
24 - garry_rice
21 - valzi
20 - dcall
19 - lsamadi
19 - njshaw2
19 - Techstar
18 - wensp
16 - Katastrophy9
16 - patton55
16 - schattentanz
15 - Ultracheng
14 - yamaraus
13 - robbdaman
13 - Shadoglare
13 - sufertashu
12 - admiral142
11 - danrodz
11 - leifericson
11 - ropearoni4
11 - scraimer
11 - treetrunk
10 - Celinashope
9 - Bichatse
9 - Black Canyon
9 - BuckWilde
9 - Hopelesst
9 - thevig
8 - CrazyCatman
8 - Grosseteste
8 - killerkatanas
8 - wolfkin
7 - greatredwarrior
7 - l3mst0r
7 - oranssioranki
7 - raithyn
7 - timdine
6 - abodi
6 - DomoBrisefer
6 - janiera
6 - jeRm!
6 - Pard
6 - soniaandree
5 - GladiatorGr
5 - nycavri
5 - Player77
5 - rayzg
5 - ThroughTheDeckGlass
4 - coil23
4 - dennisthebadger
4 - dumarest123
4 - feralmitch
4 - lapostol
4 - lomdr
4 - lucyfungus
4 - MarkP1981
4 - Quiveryopossum7
4 - reyalicea
4 - rlkp
4 - SurfinDecoy
4 - tawnos76
4 - tirsillur
4 - vasilis5755
3 - Barronmore
3 - Bewulf
3 - DraedGhawl
3 - jazzman32
3 - joexadrez
3 - lithy
3 - magneheeli
3 - MyOtheHedgeFox
3 - Random Order
3 - spitfire23bc
3 - squarepegsys
3 - stuartfinlay
3 - tacoma_boy
2 - acedaryl1
2 - ashman
2 - bbhalla
2 - books2thesky
2 - Butterfly0038
2 - corsariohierro
2 - crazybear
2 - deemac
2 - deludis
2 - doelion
2 - fifisdead
2 - Flashyfish
2 - gregez1986
2 - Hobbes
2 - ivan111
2 - Jude
2 - KkrakK
2 - moujamou
2 - mspider_89
2 - MyNameIsFourteen
2 - schlawiner
2 - ScottE
2 - ShadeMoon64
2 - swandive78
2 - TragicTheBlathering
2 - woodshow
2 - Zimzerveran