Participation Chart Since First Active (click to show/hide)
User Entries by Month
lovemyfire PNPCRAFT Stats
# of Lists: 18
Unique Entries: 46
Actual Entries: 46
<summary> Entries: 0
# of Games: 46
Top Months
Top Games
1 - [WIP] Secret Agent (2019 54-Card Contest, Contest Ready)
1 - [WIP] - The Cleaner - [2018 Solitaire Print-and-Play Contest Entry] - Components Available
1 - [WIP] Below Mars – 2018 Solitaire PnP Contest Entry [Components Ready]
1 - [WIP] Challenge Accepted! (Eldritch Horror on 9 cards)
1 - [WIP] Rest In Peace: The Asylum
1 - Animal Kingdoms (2020)
1 - The Austen Deck
1 - Battle Line (2000)
1 - Biblios (2007)
1 - Birds of a Feather (2015)
1 - Bohnanza (1997)
1 - Clue Master Detective (1988)
1 - Dungeon of Darkness (2017)
1 - Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord (2003)
1 - Exploriana (2019)
1 - Fairy Tale in my Pocket (2009)
1 - Glastonbury (2013)
1 - Hanamikoji (2013)
1 - HAZE ISLANDS (2016)
1 - Honey (2017)
1 - HP tracker for Vilains and Heroes (0)
1 - Hunters over Korea: A Solitaire Game of Air Combat over Korea (1950-1953) (2014)
1 - The Institute for Magical Arts (2015)
1 - Jasper and Zot (2011)
1 - Lord of the Rings: The Adventure Deck Game (2011)
1 - Lost in the Woods (2018)
1 - ManaSurge (2016)
1 - Mini Rogue (2016)
1 - Mottainai (2015)
1 - A Night in Deepwail Manor (2013)
1 - Nile DeLuxor (2011)
1 - Parade (2007)
1 - Potions Class (2018)
1 - Ragemore (2018)
1 - Rest In Peace: The Asylum (2018)
1 - Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age (2008) Thumbs Up!
1 - Royal Espionage (2018)
1 - SPQF (2018)
1 - Sprawlopolis (2018)
1 - Sunset Over Water (2018)
1 - Temple of the Feathered Serpent (2011)
1 - Thieves Den (2019)
1 - The Thrifty Collector (2018)
1 - Tower of Mages (2017)
1 - A Wanderer in the Forest of Wyr (2016)
1 - WIP-- CRYSTALLO (Solo PNP Contest-- Components Available!)
Based on unique entries each month. A unique entry is a single game (or one of its expansions) by a single user in a single month.