Castle Men 4X is a 4X micro-game set in a fantasy world. Players are vying to create the most successful civilization on a small map made from just 9 cards. As each card contains multiple territories of different terrain types, the map varies from game to game.
Players must explore the terrain on the map, expand their settlements by exploiting local resources and of course try and exterminate their opponent.
To help their civilization grow they can gain knowledge which is traded in for developments that impact upon game play. 18 different developments are available to help, on just 9 cards. Each development a player chooses deprives them and their opponent of another alternative one.
Player actions are selected on a roundel, with a range of actions available each turn, although repeat actions are not possible. Each completed journey round the roundel completes a season of the year and the different seasons confer benefits and responsibilities upon players that affect the progress of the game.
Players win by being the first to accrue a specified number of victory points. Victory points are achieved through gaining developments and building developing settlements.
All components for play can fit in a 2oz tobacco tin making it highly portable, and files include labels for the lid of such a container.
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