“According to Norse myth, Fenrir the wolf was the third son of Loki and the giantess Angrboda. It was prophesied that Fenrir would one day devour Odin ushering in Ragnarok. Tyr the god of war took it upon himself to feed Fenrir while he was still a pup, but as time went on Fenrir grew larger as did the gods' fear of him. The gods then decided to bind the wolf with a fetter they called Leyding. The wolf easily broke free of his bonds. The gods then used another fetter called Dromi and once again to no avail. Receiving word of this Odin called upon the dwarves of Svartalfheim to fashion a fetter made up of six magic ingredients, they called this ribbon-like material Gleipnir. Once bound with Gleipnir, Fenrir was unable to break free…”
Object of the gameThe players “Viking gods” win if they manage to collect 3 of the 4 sets of Fetter tiles; otherwise the players lose if Fenrir reaches Odin first.
Components1 Fenrir wolf figure
4 chips in four colors, 1-red, 1-blue, 1-green and 1-yellow
4 Viking god figures in four colors, 1-red, 1-blue, 1-green and 1-yellow
25 square tiles comprised of 1 Odin tile and 24 Fetter tiles in four colors, 6-red, 6-blue, 6-green and 6-yellow
1 draw bag
SetupPick a color you’d like to play as and place a chip in that color in front of yourself.
The chips color also corresponds to the color of the Viking god that you will move in the game.
The Odin tile is the start tile place this tile face up onto the table.
Then place all 24 fetter tiles into the draw bag and shuffle them; draw one tile at a time from the bag and form a path of face up adjacent tiles that lead away from the start tile.
Next place the four gods into the draw bag, draw a god from the bag placing one on every 5th tile along the path.
Lastly place the wolf figure onto the last tile of the path; the wolf figure should face the path looking towards the Odin tile.
Now you’re ready to play!
How to playThe youngest player starts.
A player on his turn must, following the movement rules…
• Move his piece either forwards or backwards along the path and ending the move on an empty tile not of his color or• Move forwards or backwards along the path and collect a tile in his color.
After a player’s turn, he calls out who’s turn is next by player color only, although this is a co-operative game players are not to help each other by verbally coordinating there moves.
Tile collectionA player on his turn collects a tile in their color by landing on it with their piece. Tiles are not removed from the path but instead are flipped over and the god that last moved is placed on top.
The game ends when any three of the four sets of color tiles have been collected or when Fenrir reaches the Odin tile.
MovementThe gods can move in three possible ways:
• Walking• Long jump• Leapfrog
To walk, simply move your god to an empty adjacent tile.
Long jump
A god may long jump over another god or even the wolf.
• When performing a long jump you must land an equal distance after the jumped piece as at the start of the jump, so for example, if the piece doing the jumping is four spaces away from the piece you're jumping over, you must land four spaces away from the piece being jumped.
• You can only jump one god at the start of a long jump.
• Multiple long jumps in a single direction are allowed per turn.
A god may leapfrog over another adjacent god or the wolf ending the jump on an empty tile immediately beyond the jumped piece.
Multiple leapfrog jumps in a single direction are allowed per turn.
RestrictionsNo two gods may occupy the same tile nor may a god move onto a tile that the wolf is on.
The gods are also forbidden to leave the path.
Wolf movement
The wolf moves either two tiles forwards or one tile back along the path, but its movements are dictated by what the player’s actions are after a turn.
• If a player’s piece moves onto a tile that’s not in his color, the wolf moves two tiles forward.• If a player’s piece moves onto a tile that’s in the players color, the wolf moves one tile back.
When Fenrir moves onto a tile occupied by a god the wolf takes his place and the god is moved to the start tile.
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