2 player game, played on the spaces of a 7x7 board.
One player plays black the other white.
2 pawns, black and white.A supply of black and white stackable pieces.
THE WIN – There are two ways to win, one way is if on your turn you manage to form an unbroken orthogonally adjacent path, connecting your pawn, your stacks and your opponent’s pawn. The second way is if you control the most stacks of 4 pieces high at endgame.
STACK - A stack is one or more pieces of either color.The color of the stack's top piece determines its owner (e.g., a black top piece makes it a black stack).
Stacks cannot be greater than 4 pieces high.Stacks of 4 pieces high cannot move.Stacks cannot split.
MOVEMENT – Pawns start out on base tiles on opposite corners of the board and move along the outer edge of the board. Pawns may move to any point along either side of the board, so long as they do not jump over their opponent's pawn and so long as they do not occupy the same side of the board between base tiles.
Stacks move orthogonally along empty spaces(no jumps).
Stacks move equal to the number of pieces within the stack. (e.g. , a stack of 1 moves one space, a stack of 2 moves two spaces and a stack of 3 moves three spaces.)
Board starts out empty, then pawns are placed on the base tiles.
TURN - Black moves first, turn then alternates.
On each turn, each player must take one of the following actions, which constitutes a valid move:
•Move your pawn and drop a single piece onto any empty point that lies between your pawn and the target point as long as all the points between your pawn and your target point are also empty or•Move your pawn and drop a single piece on top of a friendly or enemy stack that is less than 4 high, also the stack most be in line of sight of your pawn and any stacks in-between your pawn and the target stack must have less pieces than the target stack, or•Move your pawn and then move one of your stacks.
The game ends when neither player can make a valid move on their turn.
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