IntroductionTOPOLO is a 2 player abstract game that is played on the spaces of an 8x8 grid.
The Red player and the Black player have 32 cuboid pieces in 3 sizes(16 small pieces worth - 1 points apiece, 8 mid size pieces worth - 2 points apiece and 8 large pieces worth 3 points apiece).
ObjectiveAssemble your pieces into the largest orthogonally adjacent group to win.
Group – Like color 1 or more orthogonally adjacent pieces.
PlayAt the start of the game the board is empty.
The player holding the Red pieces plays first.
The row on the board closest to the Red player is considered row 1 followed by rows 2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
The Red player may place any one of his pieces onto any empty space on the board, then its Black's turn. Thereafter play alternates.
Example:If the Red player has placed his first piece onto an empty space on the board that is within an even numbered row then both players must then play onto all the empty spaces of the even numbered rows first before proceeding to fill the empty spaces of the odd numbered rows. Now if the Red player plays his first piece onto any empty space of an odd row then both players must play onto all of the remaining empty spaces of the odd rows before moving play to the even rows.
The game ends when the board is full.
ScoringYour score is determined by counting the pieces within the largest Group. Each piece within these Groups are to be counted as 1 point apiece, irrespective of their individual heights.
The player with the highest score is the winner.
In the event the largest Groups of both players are the same size at end game, each piece within these Groups are to be counted by their individual height point values (small - 1,medium - 2 and large - 3)and added to determine a winner.
For subsequent draws look at the next largest Groups of each player and apply the same scoring rules.
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